Providing speech, occupational, physical & behavioral therapy to children in their natural environment.
Providing speech therapy that empowers families to help their child at home.
The Sound Play and Language Awareness Story Hour (S.P.L.A.S.H.) is a hands-on, engaging story hour for children and caregivers alike. In these classes, caregivers will learn fun and playful ways to encourage a child’s communication and development.
As a family owned therapy group, we recognize the vital importance of each family’s role in their child’s success.
We empower you, the family.
"We have seen two specialists from this company and have had the greatest experience! They are so warm, friendly and go out of their way to make such a positive impact on their clients and the families. They were a godsend for me and have helped me through this journey with my son. They truly deeply care and have a passion for what they do. Would recommend them to everyone!"
- Marietta, PA
"This group is very professional, friendly, and extremely helpful. I would suggest any parent to utilize their services. My son has autism and ADHD. They helped us start out our journey with development. I'm so thankful for everything they have done, and continue doing for children like my son. They also helped to prepare us for the next chapter after my son aged out of the program. I can't express my gratitude enough."
- Lancaster, PA
"My son worked with a speech and Special instructor in EI. They were both amazing people and were so helpful through the whole process of finding out my son's DX. They worked well will him and he loved working with them. Their family is great and had gone out of their way to help us through some tough times! We were very sad to have to move on, but they made such a big impact in our lives, and for that we are thankful!"
- Marietta, PA
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